CURRENTS OF LIFE (TV series) – with Yasien Hermann | by Daniela Creutz ( CURRENTS OF LIFE is a 10-series film episode developed by producer/director Daniela Creutz. Each episode gives an account to the personal stories of Germans who converted to Islam. Each film depicts the convert’s backstory and life–development and offers an intimate, honest insight into […]
CURRENTS OF LIFE ist eine 10-teilige Dokumentations-Serie in Folge, konzipiert und produziert von Daniela Creutz (Blue Circe Films) für den internationalen Documentary Channel PTV. Die 25 min. Episoden berichten über die persönlichen Geschichten deutscher Konvertiten, die sich zum Islam bekennen. Jeder Film zeigt die Hintergrundgeschichte und Lebensentwicklung des Konvertiten und bietet einen intimen, ehrlichen Einblick in ihren Glauben […]
CURRENTS OF LIFE (TV series) – with Jasmin Rastetter | by Daniela Creutz CURRENTS OF LIFE is a 10-series film episode developed by producer/director Daniela Creutz. Each episode gives an account to the personal stories of Germans who converted to Islam. Each film depicts the convert’s backstory and life–development and offers an intimate, honest insight into their […]
CURRENTS OF LIFE (TV series) – with Fatima Özuguz & Dr. Yavuz Özoguz CURRENTS OF LIFE is a 10-series film episode developed by producer/director Daniela Creutz. Each episode gives an account to the personal stories of Germans who converted to Islam. Each film depicts the convert’s backstory and life–development and offers an intimate, honest insight into their […]