LEA-X5 This 22 min documentary shows an impressive masterpiece of European engineering of a complex satellite subsystem developed by a consortium of more than 15 companies out of 7 European countries. The movie is about PEOPLE, who are space engineers and space enthusiasts, and what they can achieve with combined powers and brains. Once the […]
LACH YOGA: Herkunft & Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse | ein Film von Daniela Creutz (11:49′) Seit Jahrhunderten wird das Lachen als die beste Medizin für Körper und Geist bezeichnet, aber es wurde nie mithilfe einer wirksamen Anwendungsmethode erzeugt. Das Lachen ging lediglich einher mit Unterhaltung oder Amüsement. Lachyoga hat dem Lachen eine neue Dimension hinzugefügt. Es ist […]
I created this art movie back in New York together with my friend Andy. It was conceived as a pilot starring my lovely friend Jennifer Charles, from Elysian Fields. We filmed in a Manhattan Gallery in the slaughterhouse district and painted ballet dancers with white color to assimilate them being statues. The painted dancers represent […]
Dr. Kamaraj YOGI & Master | Imagefilm | by Dany Creutz In 2007, Dr Kamaraj set up Yog Mandala Yoga School on Varkala’s North Cliff, Kerala in south west India overlooking the Arabian Sea. He teaches Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Sivananda Yoga, Acro Yoga and Meditation classes. Kamarja holds a Bachelor of […]
ONE HUDSON PARK | Imagefilm New York | by Daniela Creutz (5:12) One Hudson Park | NY | image/real estate/peopleClient: Tarragon | R: Daniela Creutz
WERBESPOT / Imagefilm: Glamour-The Making Of | NY | Commerical/Imagefilm Regie und Schnitt: Daniela Creutz