LEA-X5 This 22 min documentary shows an impressive masterpiece of European engineering of a complex satellite subsystem developed by a consortium of more than 15 companies out of 7 European countries. The movie is about PEOPLE, who are space engineers and space enthusiasts, and what they can achieve with combined powers and brains. Once the […]
Arranged Happiness documents the efforts of a Muslim family in India’s Kashmir to find a suitable groom for their daughter and the love of a Muslim man for a western woman. Two non-political stories of love and hardship in the politically-charged region of northern India, the film provides an intimate counterweight to the widely […]
KREBSKRANKE AUF PARTNERSUCHE | INVIVO | v. Daniela Creutz Ca. 10 Mio Menschen sind in Deutschland chronisch erkrankt. 2 Mio davon an Krebs. Ein besonderes Problem liegt bei den allein lebenden Patienten vor, egal welche chronische Erkrankung sie haben Mit ihren Sorgen, Ängsten und Wünschen müssen sie alleine leben. In Gesprächen mit Jörg Brosig, Gründer […]