Blissful Yearning, is a 52 min Documentary by film director Daniela Creutz (52 min). Here you see the trailer. . . How is it like to convert to a religion in a land where what you mainly hear about that faith is propagandistic negativity? What would be the reactions of those – family and friends- whom […]
Arranged Happiness documents the efforts of a Muslim family in India’s Kashmir to find a suitable groom for their daughter and the love of a Muslim man for a western woman. Two non-political stories of love and hardship in the politically-charged region of northern India, the film provides an intimate counterweight to the widely […]
“Die Legende Nürburgring – auf den Spuren meines Großvaters” (Pilote für das Bayerische Fernesehen) ist die Geschichte der Entstehung einer der schönsten und legendärsten Rennstrecken der Welt und soll zu einem langen Dokumentarfilm gemacht werden. Dies ist der TRAILER zum Film, den die Regisseurin mit ihrem Vater Rudolf Creutz und ihrer Tante Gisela Herbstrith gedreht […]
CAPTIVATED | Shortfilm (30 min.) by Daniela Creutz Based on a classic Russian tale, CAPITIVATED tells the unlikely story of Therese, a Polish immigrant, and André, a Fulton Fish Market worker in contemporary New York City. Both came to the Big Apple with big dreams: Therese to start a new life in a new country […]